The first part of the Connected Human Report series focuses on the area most likely to transform the way in which we live our everyday lives: Smart Cities. This Connected Human Report has drawn on the expertise of three industry-leading innovative city organizations to address the state of smart cities and their future.
Meet the Experts
Hear from our experts leaders:
- Alicia Asín, CEO and Co-Founder at Libelium
- Daniel Nieto, International Product Consultant at Convergia
- Karin Marchiori, Team Leader IoT at Allnet.Italia
How to Create a Connected Human Smart City
This report examines the real state of Smart Cities:
- How mature the smart cities sector currently is.
- The challenges faced by digitally transformed municipalities.
- How data is being used and how accessible it is to ordinary citizens.
- The next steps local authorities can take to realize the potential of IoT-enabled jurisdictions.