The State of Smart Cities and Their Future

The first part of the Connected Human series focuses on the area most likely to transform the way in which we live our everyday lives: Smart Cities. This Connected Human Report has drawn on the of three -leading innovative city to address the state of smart cities and their .

Meet the

Hear from our experts leaders:

  • Alicia Asín, CEO and Co-Founder at Libelium
  • Daniel Nieto, International Product Consultant at Convergia
  • Karin Marchiori, Team Leader IoT at Allnet.Italia

How to Create a Connected Human Smart City

This report examines the real state of Smart Cities:

  1. How mature the smart cities sector currently is.
  2. The faced by digitally transformed municipalities.
  3. How is being used and how accessible it is to ordinary citizens.
  4. The next steps local authorities can take to realize the potential of IoT-enabled jurisdictions.

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