The CPR dummy of the future can piss blood

The following article discusses medical .

On the fringes of each and every CES, there are worthy of attention, even if they can’t be called “consumer .” A prime example is Adam-X, a medical tool that takes the idea of a CPR dummy and dials it up to eleven… thousand. Unlike the dolls you learned basic CPR with, Adam-X is a fully-featured robotic patient used for a wide variety of medical training.

Adam-X is equipped with a realistic skeleton, muscles and lungs that’ll behave much like the real things do. Depending on the scenario, the dummy will give you physical feedback depending on how successful you are at treating it. For instance, the pupils will dilate, cheeks will flush, the tongue will swell and the extremities will turn blue, depending on what you’re doing at the . Right now, Adam is even able to make some vague noises but his makers pledge that an update at some point this year will add in a GPT-enabled communication feature to train how to keep patients engaged and calm.

As well as CPR training, you can use this device to teach intubation, administering an IV, applying a cuff and using a defibrillator. And much as the system itself will respond to what you’re doing, its suite of sensors can examine your technique and offer feedback. For instance, Adam-X was set into CPR mode and required me to keep it alive, but I wasn’t sure I was getting my chest compressions correct; after all, I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV. But, by looking at the Adam was connected to, I could see how far my hands were away from the ideal position.

There’s plenty of other things I wasn’t able to test in the crowded show floor at CES, including the fact that Adam has pressurized blood vessels. Medics who need to clear the airway by cutting the trachea, for instance, may be surprised to see a spurt of (artificial) blood. Similarly, if one of the independently-pressurized lungs collapses, you’ll be able to use a real needle to puncture the chest to reinflate it. Not to mention swapping out the regular limbs for ones that have simulated wounds, that require surgical intervention or to add in an intravenous drip to a vein. (Adam even has genitalia and can pass urine or blood depending on the training scenario.)

Unfortunately, unless you’re a medical school or other training facility with $70,000 grand or so lying around, you probably won’t be able to buy one. But you should watch the and see how very cool it is to practice keeping someone alive while getting a little more feedback than with the regular CPR doll.

We’re reporting live from CES 2024 in Las Vegas from January 6-12. Keep up with all the latest news from the show here.

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