In Sama’s latest ebook, CEO Mark Bakker shares the of ML algorithms for pest, disease and for better crop management, reduced pesticide usage and increased productivity.

Finding high-quality data for AgTech models can be challenging and costly—prompting many teams to explore synthetic data as a way to augment or enhance their datasets. Mark will host a roundtable at World Agri- Synthetic Training Data in AgTech: Balancing Pros, Cons, and Best Practices.

Ahead of this, Mark shares a case study of how Sama used computer technologies to help start-up Orbisk on its mission to help restaurants capture data about :

  • Orbisk needed a way to ensure its models could be used to accurately identify different foods in all their potential shapes and sizes, from a variety of angles.
    • Sama’s solution was to help build and improve the dataset used to train the computer vision algorithms to accurately identify ingredients, including meat, vegetables, fruit, bread, condiments, sauces, and desserts.
  • Open feedback loops enabled the rapid escalation and resolution of edge cases and accommodation of new data sources.
    • Same accurately labelled hundreds of thousands of food images with a 99% acceptance rate.

The impact:

  • 200,00kg of food diverted from  landfills to date
  • 70% reduction in food waste for key clients
  • Fewer harmful GHG emissions

Read the full ebook here, to learn more about how Sama is tackling agricultural challenges through machine learning.

Join Mark’s roundtable discussion at World Agri-Tech San Francisco on March 19-20, to hear examples from companies who have found the right balance, as well as additional tactics to try instead of—or alongside—synthetic data. Book your place here.