Return of the Blog

Return of the Blog

I was thinking about how it’s been since I did any kind of a public blog. I figure it’s got to be somewhere around 15 years or so. Granted, a whole lot has changed over that time period. The tools are better today, and certainly the rise of social media as a platform has really changed the way the majority of folks use the Internet.

Certainly, things have come a very long way since I was designing static pages in FrontPage and later Dreamweaver. I did some things with MovableType and later spent a while developing plugins on the XOOPS CMS. Those were some really fun times, but the full boat application admin work required just to support a plate to share my pithy commentary just feels a bit overkill for now.

That said, personal branding is probably going to become more important as the AI bots start their inevitable takeover … so here we go!

This post originally appeared on Underwood HQ.