The AFN Network+ provides funding to carry out work under our mission of supporting the UK agri-food system through the transition to a net zero UK by 2050 with net zero funding. Projects must be interdisciplinary and involve at least one non-academic partner in a meaningful way.
The 14 priority areas to address sit under these themes:
- Healthy and sustainable diets
- Land productivity
- Food Security and Trade
- Land use change and management
- Circular food systems
- Behaviour change
- System-wide and cross-cutting issues
Full information about areas under these priorities can be found on the AFN+ website.
- Funding is for up to 14 projects at a maximum of £50,000 per project for a maximum 12-month period.
- Awards are granted at 80% full economic cost (FEC) and UKRI rules regarding eligible costs apply
- Awards will begin from 1 October 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter depending on administrative constraints, and must be spent by 30 September 2025.
- Award winners will be notified in September 2024.
- Research teams must be interdisciplinary.
- We strongly encourage you to develop engaged research with groups that are not always ‘included in the research room’ and often at the front line (e.g. in experiencing intersecting inequalities).
- Eligible proposals must include at least one food system stakeholder, from outside of the research and higher education sector. Food system stakeholders are broadly defined to include (e.g. farmers, growers, food manufacturers, agri-tech companies, dietitians, or policy-makers). Grants will be awarded to the lead partner who will then manage fund transfers between partners e.g. funding may be subcontracted to food system stakeholders. The principal investigator (PI) must have a role at a higher education institution (HEI) and the contract will be with that HEI
- Proposals must address one of the following specific research priorities listed on the website.
Submit your application by 5pm, 30 June 2024. Full information about the call and the application form can be found on their website.