HIMSSCast: The latest cybersecurity challenges pose serious problems for health systems

If there’s one thing CISOs and CIOs can count on, it’s that there are always more challenges headed their way.

Tiffany Gallagher, and health industries leader, and Prakash Venkata, partner and principal, in PricewaterhouseCooper’s Cyber, Risk and Regulatory Practice, say heightened regulatory scrutiny, the growing number of professionals with access to and data, lax cloud environments, and major activity are growing challenges with which security leaders at hospitals and health systems must grapple.

In this week’s HIMSSCast, Gallagher and Venkata provide listeners with expert guidance on how to tackle these challenges.


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Talking points:

  • Healthcare faces heightened regulatory scrutiny, with federal and state regulators proposing new cybersecurity requirements, goals and guidelines to bolster resilience.

  • The growing population of internal, contracted and external party access is complex and requires to adopt modern identity technologies to address the .

  • Many organizations are allowing development teams to create cloud environments without the appropriate level of control.

  • Significant deals activity is driving the need for better IT and security integration planning and execution to effectively address cyber risk.

  • Other challenges include third-party risk management and medical devices.

More about this episode:

CISO: Don’t overlook the critical importance of foundational infrastructure

Proposed CISA rule would require reporting for cyber incidents and ransom payments

CMS clarifies rules for HIPAA compliance when texting patient data

HHS proffers cyber goals to health systems

AHA pushes back on HHS proposal to penalize hospitals for cyberattacks

CISA, HHS and HSCC release healthcare cybersecurity toolkit

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Email him: bsiwicki@himss.org
Healthcare IT News is a HIMSS Media publication.

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