Help change the Australian investment landscape in

nVest is surveying Australians to understand their habits and inform significant change in the Australian financial sector.

Your help in answering and sharing this <2 min is invaluable. It’s anonymous, no personal data recorded.

As Australia’s pioneering B2B2C fractional trading platform nVest prepare to deliver unprecedented innovation and democratisation in the Australian financial sector, they want to better understand your investment preferences and habits in a <2 min survey.


Why Your Participation Matters

Your insights will not only help nVest tailor their offerings to better meet your needs but will also contribute to a broader understanding of investment in Australia. This is an to have your voice heard and to influence the of investing in the country.


What nVest are Looking to Understand

The survey is designed to capture a comprehensive view of the Australian investment landscape, focusing on:

  • Preferred stock markets and trading
  • Views on investment security, specifically CHESS vs. non-CHESS custodian
  • Importance of various trading like auto-investing, research tools, and social features
  • Interest in integrating investment options within everyday


How to Participate

The survey takes less than 2 minutes, it’s completely anonymous, and no personal data will be recorded.


Click here to participate in the survey


Please feel free to share the survey link with your network. The more data collected, the more accurate and actionable the insights will be.

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