Does Your Company Have a Data Strategy? | by Kate Minogue | Apr, 2024

This sophistication matrix can show you where you need to go

Kate Minogue
Towards Data Science

Every company today seems to be consumed with building an AI . From sole traders to massive , the question top of mind for the past 6 months has been — how can I use AI in my business? Often even before “Should I?”

Luckily, with an explosion of new tools built using AI it is much easier for an or company to incorporate AI into their day-to-day than ever before and it makes good sense for all of us to constantly consider whether we are doing our work in the most efficient way using the available technologies. But when it becomes a significant investment or derailing priority then a deeper reflection is needed.

I’m a strong believer in using technology, AI and Data to further your existing business strategy and priorities. To enable your competitive advantage rather than to be priorities in and of themselves.

When I think about AI and its potential for success I look at it in three parts — yes of course the machine and models that seem to get all of the buzz and attention, but equally (if not more important) the people building or using it and finally, the data and infrastructure it is built upon.

So if you’re a business leader considering what your AI strategy should be for then I’d encourage you to first consider, what is your current Data Strategy?

Do you have something at an overall company level that you can confidently call a Data Strategy?

Does it need attention before you should consider building a complex AI strategy on top of it?

The exercise of stepping back from an individual data or analytics problem, whether as narrow as a channel specific measurement question or as broad as how AI can transform how you do business, and instead taking a birds-eye view of how your company uses Data today and how that can be improved is something that I am always drawn to. I think it is one of the most worthwhile things a leader can do to consider what are the barriers TODAY to data being the bullet it was always lauded to be and to address those barriers before adding any new bells and whistles on top. I know this isn’t the “sexy” (I hate using that word in this ) or exciting that makes wake up in a board meeting but it might be the work that enables the results…

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