Demystifying Graph Neural Networks | by Mohamed Mamoun Berrada | Jan, 2024

Uncovering the power and applications of a rising

Mohamed Mamoun Berrada
Towards Data Science
Neuron that illustrates nodes and vertices of graph
by Moritz Kindler on Unsplash

Through this article, I aim to introduce you to a growingly popular deep algorithm, Graph (GNNs). GNNs are gradually emerging from the realm of and are already demonstrating impressive results on real-world problems, suggesting their vast potential. The main objective of this article is to demystify this algorithm. If, by the end, you can answer questions like, Why would I use a GNN? How does a GNN work? I would consider my accomplished.

Before delving into the subject, it’s necessary to recall two concepts intrinsically related to our topic:

Graphs and Embeddings

Graphs in

Let’s start with a quick reminder of what a graph is. Graphs are used in countless domains. Particularly in computer science, a graph is a data structure composed of two elements: a set of vertices, or nodes, and a set of edges connecting these nodes.

A graph can be directed or undirected. A directed graph is a graph in which edges have a direction, as shown below.

So, a graph is a representation of (edges) between objects (nodes).


Embeddings are a way to represent information. Let me explain with an example before discussing it more formally. Suppose I have a set of 10,000 objects to know about. The “natural” representation of these objects is the discrete representation, which is a vector with as many components as elements in the set. So, in the , the discrete representation is the one on the right, where only one of the vector components is 1 (black) and the rest are 0.

This representation clearly poses a dimensionality problem. This is where embeddings come into play. They reduce the dimensionality of the problem by representing data in a much lower-dimensional space. The representation is continuous, meaning the vector components’ values are different from 0 and 1. However, determining what each component represents in this new space is not straightforward, as is the case with discrete representation.

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