Craft A Customized Word Cloud Trivia Game with Python | by Lee Vaughan | Mar, 2024

Tailor night to your interests!

Lee Vaughan
A colorful word cloud with terms for game night such as movie trivia, friends, pizza, fun.
Game Night (by the author)

Are you tired of the same old board games on game night? If you know a little , you can easily make a customized trivia game with word clouds.

A word cloud is a visual representation of text data used to display keyword metadata, called tags on websites. In a word cloud, font size or color shows the importance of each tag or word.

Here are three example word cloud quizzes; can you guess the two movies and the one song (the are at the end of this article):

A colorful word cloud with terms like Hiccup, Dragon, Toothless, and Stoick.
A word cloud (by the author)
A colorful word cloud with terms like dagger, Tamina, Persia, and Nizam.
Another movie word cloud (by the author)
A colorful word cloud with terms like Time, World, Free, Undersea, beautiful, and spandex.
A pop song word cloud (by the author)

You can use this technique to generate customized quizzes for movies, music, novels, historical , and more. They’re also adaptable to more serious applications such as training exercises. Best of all, they’re customizable to any subject you desire.

In this Quick Data project, we’ll make quiz cards and answer sheets for a movie trivia game. As part of the process, we’ll scrape the data straight off Wikipedia movie pages. Using this basic , you should be able to adapt the program to other uses.

In addition to Python, you’ll need the following libraries:

You can find installation instructions for pip in the previous links.

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