
Backtracking on RBAC

Don’t worry, this isn’t another discovered issue or service advisory. I wanted to put together some general info and recommendations

app, Cloud, intune, lot, permissions, role-based access controls, roles, Scope tags, Security, Syndicated

How to configure Autopilot Device Preparation Part 1: Set it up

Microsoft has just released its latest flavor of Windows Autopilot known as Autopilot Device Preparation, and it’s been getting a

app, Autopilot Device Preparation, Autopilot V2, intune, lot, Microsoft, personal, Security, Syndicated, Windows Autopilot

An Old MDM Setting

Every now and then, believe it or not, we still come across tenants that do NOT have the MDM Authority

ahead, app, app registration, authority, Change, Enrollment Status Page, intune, Microsoft, Syndicated, token

Looking for something? Use a remediation

Every now and then I either need to look for a conflicting group policy, or some other software setting that

Business, Group Policy, intune, line, Registry, Security, Service Provider, Software Setting, Syndicated, Windows Update

Intune Management Extension Notifications: Keep Them On!

I recently came across a question online regarding notification and Intune… specifically if the user decides to go to Settings

app, Cloud, intune, Microsoft, notifications, Security, Syndicated, Win10, Win11

Weekly Recap: February 2

Aaaaaaaaannd, just like that, January has completed deployment.Intune PowerShell SDK: Invoking Web Requests I guess this is part 4 in

Apple, big, Endpoints, Graph Series, intune, Microsoft, Microsoft Graph, PowerShell, Syndicated

Weekly Recap: January 26

A lot more Intune, and a lot more interacting with inanimate objects.Getting Started with Microsoft Graph for Intune This is

chat, intune, Intune Functions, learning, lot, Microsoft Graph, PowerShell, Syndicated, Windows 11

Custom Intune Reporting

Hey everyone - I figured it was about time I come back and contribute some written content after about 3

ahead, app, Business, intune, lot, PowerShell, script, Syndicated, windows reporting