
Google’s Gemini AI can now handle bigger prompts thanks to next-gen upgrade

Google’s Gemini AI has only been around for two months at the time of this writing, and already, the company

bigger, Gemini, Googles, Handle, nextgen, prompts, Syndicated, Tech News, upgrade

DDoS attacks are getting bigger and more powerful, and that’s a really bad thing

There had been “thousands” of hyper-volumetric HTTP distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks in the time since the HTTP/2 Rapid

attacks, bad, bigger, DDoS, powerful, Syndicated, Tech News

Private Internet Access’ VPN network gets even bigger

As of October 9, 2023, if you use Private Internet Access (PIA), you can now access seven new countries, including

access, bigger, Internet, Network, private, Syndicated, Tech News, VPN

Intel wants its GPUs to take a bigger slice of the VDI market by eliminating licensing fees

The GPU Flex series is Intel’s answer to one of the biggest pain points in the entire virtual desktop infrastructure

bigger, eliminating, fees, GPUs, Intel, licensing, market, slice, Syndicated, Tech News, VDI

Plucky CPU maker beats AMD and Intel to become first to offer 320 cores per server — with even bigger models in the pipeline

Oracle has snubbed leading CPUs from the likes of AMD and Intel in favor of AmpereOne processors for use in

AMD, beats, bigger, cores, CPU, Intel, maker, models, offer, Pipeline, Plucky, Server, Syndicated, Tech News