*args, **kwargs, and Everything in Between | by Philip Wilkinson, Ph.D. | Jul, 2023

The fundamentals of parameters and arguments in

Philip Wilkinson, Ph.D.
Towards Data Science
by Sigmund on Unsplash

Python has become the go-to language in for its versatility, simplicity, and powerful libraries. Functions, with their ability to encapsulate reusable , play a key role in streamlining and enhancing the in Python. Understanding the nuances of function arguments and parameters is essential for harnessing the true potential of Python functions in the of Data Science.

Parameters v Arguments

The first thing to understand when with functions in Python is the difference between parameters and arguments. A parameter is a variable within a function definition, while an argument is what you pass into the function’s parameters when you call it. For example:

def my_func(param1, param2):
print(f"{param1} {param2}")

my_func("Arg1", "Arg2")

# Out:
# Arg1 Arg2

param1 and param2 are functional parameters, while "Arg1" and "Arg2" are the arguments.

Positional v Keyword arguments

In this example, “Arg1” and “Arg2” are passed in as positional arguments. This is because the parameter that each argument relates to are not specified in the functional call. This means that due to their order “Arg1” takes the position of param1, and “Arg2” takes the position of param2 .

We can change the order by taking advantage of keyword arguments. This is where the parameter that each argument relates to, is clearly defined using the correct keyword.

def my_func(param1, param2):
print(f"{param1} {param2}")

my_func(param2 = "Arg2", param1 = "Arg1")

# Out:
# Arg1 Arg2

This example produces the same output as the first function call, even when the position of the arguments has been switched because the parameter that each argument relates to was defined using the corresponding keyword.

Default Parameters

The second thing you will often see is default parameters. These parameters often have a common value or “default” value that can often be ignored when calling the function. They are set in the…

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