An Easy Way to Make a Timelapse Video

Autumn is my favorite season of the year. From wearing my favorite flannel shirts to taking my kids trick o’ treating to watching the leaves change colors, there’s nothing I don’t like about fall. It’s those changing leaves that inspired one of my favorite projects.

The project is to create a timelapse of the changing fall foliage. The idea is to take one picture every day to document the in the foliage as we progress through autumn from the first few orange leaves to full-blown autumn foliage colors to the drab brown we see after in the winter.

Here’s how your could create their own autumn foliage timelapse :

1. Take one picture per day of the same view or of one singular tree.

Using a cell phone is probably the best tool for this because students rarely go without one.

2. Upload the pictures to a Canva folder.

If students have the Canva app installed on their phones or tablets, this is very easy to do in just one tap by selecting “Canva” on the sharing options for pictures on their devices. Otherwise, they can transfer the pictures to a computer and then upload to their Canva accounts.

3. After a few weeks, use Canva’s video editor.

Take all of the pictures and put them in chronological order in Canva’s video editor. Then use the to set each to play back for a second or two. That’s all there is to it. If you want to make it “fancy,” you can add background music to the video. Watch my new video for a demonstration of how to make a timelapse video with Canva.

Other videos I published last week:

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